Friday, February 15, 2019

11A - Idea Napkin 1

My name is Emmylou. I am good at playing the oboe and salsa dancing. I grew up on a farm so I have a lot of experience with animal care. I aspire to live an interesting and fulfilling life that involves lots of cool people and animals. I see this business as being a way to have a career where I can give back to the people and animals while still making money.

I am offering my customers and their dogs a social experience. My app would help bring the dog loving community together.

I am offering this app to any dog owner who might have a use for it. I would most likely  target college students since they tend to only have one dog.

My customers would care about my app because it would provide them and their dogs with an opportunity to be more social.

What sets me apart is my compassion and background in animal care. As someone who knows a lot about animals I think I would have insight as to the sort of things people would be interested in for their dogs.

I think that 2, 3, and 4 blend together really nicely. They are about knowing who your customer is and understanding what they want. 1 and 5 were more about me and what I would bring to the table that is unique as far as running the business would go. This is a little more abstract and since I believe that most people aren’t that different from each other this would probably be considered the weakest part.


  1. Having the ambition to give back to people and animals is a great pitch piece and just lovely to know. I have a lot of friends with dogs and unless they have multiple they're always complaining abut needing doggy play dates. I haven't read many of your other posts so I don't know a bunch about your product but it seems cool if you're connecting people with dogs with other people with dogs. There's a bunch of little dog parks around gaineville so It'd be cool to find out who's near. Compassion is indeed a great thing to set you apart from others (like coorparations) and the fact that you're a local can be a big plus if you're targeting Gainesville first.

  2. Hey Emma, I personally do not have a dog in Gainesville, but I do at home. I know a few people who do have dogs up here however and I am sure they would enjoy the added company and social aspect of the app. Maybe you could add a section of the app that would allow people to rent or trade dogs for the day - or build a dog walking service out of the app.

  3. Hi Emma, thank you for your post. I like how you tied the fact that you have experience with animals into your product. I think that when people see an entrepreneur with a connection to a product it will make them more likely to buy it. I think that you have a great idea as long as you can get enough dog owners to start using the app as soon as it comes out.
