Friday, February 8, 2019

9A - Testing the Hypothesis pt 2

I have a dog. I love him so much and I do my best to make sure that he is entertained throughout the day. I walk with him and play with him but I can tell that he misses playing with other dogs. There are many people out there who have dogs that are bored, understimulated, or lonely. That’s how I came up with an idea for an app that allows people with lonely dogs to connect for playdates. This app would allow you to make a profile with information about you and your dog and then would match you up with the most ideal dogs and owners in your area. You could enter your dog’s size, energy level and favorite activities as well as the sort of activities you might want to do on a doggie playdate such as walking, or going to the dog park or even the beach. It could also offer a feature for local dog parks where people would announce when they are going to the dog park on public page so that you would know if there were other people at the dog park before you go.

Jackie: UF student, dog owner

Jackie seemed pretty excited about my app idea. She is in the same boat as me where she lives in an apartment and only has one dog. She thought that having a way to connect with other dogs in her neighborhood would be really great.

Kennedy: UF student, dog owner

Kennedy was a little more skeptical about this idea. She was worried about meeting people from the internet in real life. I asked her what sort of features might make her feel safer and she recommended having people get verified through Facebook.

Hillary: mother, dog owner

Although Hillary liked the idea of the app she was doubtful that she would actually use it because she has a very busy schedule.

Noah: UF student, dog owner

Noah liked the idea of the app. However his dog is a 5 lb. yorkie so he felt like maybe it wasn’t a good option for him. It gave me the idea to include a category for dogs that are 20 lbs. and under  so that these dog owners wouldn’t have to wade through a sea of big dogs to find the dogs they are looking for.

Jason: FSU student, dog owner

Jason was very excited about the idea of this app. He has a very high energy dog and he thought that he could use this app to wear his dog out.

Who: All of the people who I interviewed were dog owners, however, they had very different takes on the app. I think that whether a person is interested in this app depends a lot on how social they are and also what sort of dog they have. People with high energy dogs seemed to be more interested than people with low energy dogs.

What: A need that is similar to the need that I am providing a solution for with my app idea is the need to exercise your dog. Although my app would help dogs to get exercise, it’s main goal would be to help lonely dogs get the socialization they crave.

Why: People who are outsiders to the need I am providing a solution for are generally just people without dogs. If you don’t have a dog then there is no reason for you to use the app.

Inside the boundary
Outside the boundary

Who is In: People with dogs.
Who is Not: People without dogs.

What the Need Is: The need for people
to provide their dog with the company
of other dogs.
What the Need Is Not: It is not a need
for people without dogs. So in some senses
it is a niche market since you must have a
dog to have this need.

Why the Need Exists: Because many
People have dogs who are bored and
Alternative Explanations: people with a lot
of dogs or people with very elderly dogs
may also not have this need even though they
meet the dog criteria.

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