Friday, February 22, 2019

13A - Ray Kroc

I chose to read about Ray Kroc because he founded McDonalds, which is a company that I think is a little evil. Because of this I thought it would be fun to read about the man who started it and see what sort of person he was compared to his lasting legacy. I was surprised to learn that he was actually a pretty admirable person. He served his country in WW1 and after that became a salesman with a ton of perseverance. I even have things in common with him, like we both play piano.

I really admire the way that he didn’t let anything thwart him in his path to success. Like he continued to sell milkshake machines even after his old paper cup company started taking 60% of his profits. One thing I definitely don’t admire about him is the company that he helped to create. Anyone who has seen Supersize Me understands that there really isn’t a lot positive to say about what McDonalds is doing today. Their food is incredibly unhealthy. Their burgers don’t even rot. However, I would like to hope that when Kroc was in the early stages of getting this company going he wasn’t aware of what a monstrosity it would become.

Ray Kroc had many of the traits that you would expect to see in an entrepreneur. He was strong and unwavering in his belief in his products. He had a knack for seeing what would be big in the future, for example he predicted the rise in use of disposable goods and that’s why he got started selling paper cups. When he faced adversity from others he powered right through. He demonstrated this even in his youth when he wanted to fight for his country but he was too young and his parents wouldn’t let him. Eventually he convinced them to let him join as a medic so he lied about his age to join and went off to serve.

I would like to ask Kroc how he identified a winning idea. He was right about the disposable products and about McDonalds. So how did he decide that these things were going to be big? I would also like to know his opinion about how his company is doing today. Would he consider them a success or a monstrosity?

I am sure that Kroc believed in working hard. He worked hard his whole life and was an older man with many health problems before he even got started with the McDonald brothers. I also believe in hard work but balanced with giving yourself free time to enjoy your life. If you are working really hard and having a terrible time then what’s the point? I think a healthy balance between work and play is best.


  1. Hi Emma, I also wrote about Ray Kroc in my post. I agree with your post in that Ray Kroc is a very polarizing figure. On one hand he created one of the most successful businesses in history, but on the other hand he has a lot of ethical problems associated with his success. I think that nowadays Ray Kroc would not be able to get away with how he grew his business because there is a greater emphasis on business ethics for entrepreneurs now. Great post!

  2. It's cool that you read it for the reason I avoided it. I've read the the Supersize Me results from the documentary were actual faked because no one has been able to recreate it with results to the extent that he did. I definitely still recognize that McDonalds is super unhealthy and I don't go there myself. I'd like to know if he cares about the impact that his disposable products have on the environment.

  3. Great post. I totally agree that McDonald's probably isn't the best company out there, but their network and business model is something to behold. Instantly recognizable branding is something few companies achieve. It does seem to me though in reading a few people's posts that maybe he was a milkshake machine salesman that maybe got lucky or bullied his way to where he was. I'll have to do some more research.
